Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"I like cuna" and the gypsy attack and other updates...

With our group there is no way there aren't some funny stories to tell...especially with two ditsy blonde girls. So last I posted was Friday morning. We did our invitation sharing at the high school and I finally met Arsi, Alketa's best friend. After we passed out the invites, we went to lunch, our entire group plus Donald. We had super yummy amazing pizza baked in a wood oven. If you've never had it, try it sometime! During our meal, we decided to practice our Albanian and I began writing down more words, their meaning, and pronunciation that make sense to me. One new set of words I learned was "cun" (which is pronounced like choon) which means "boy" and "cuna" which means boys. As soon as I heard this my mind clicked and I said what I was thinking, "Cuna sounds like tuna!" Immediately Jeff and Donald began cracking up and I am thinking, what the heck?! So I ask. They tell me that I had just said "I like chuna!" which means "I like boys!" Oh dear. Now I am teased occasionally about this...I don't think I will be able to live it down.

That afternoon when we had a few minutes of free time, Tiff, Rachel and I decided to walk around a bit, not too far from the church though. As we were passing over a walkway, these little kids were passing us, and one was on a bike. He began to swerve towards me, but I noticed and moved out of the way and begin to say that he was going to run into Rachel. She, of course, was in her own world, and the boy ran his bike right into her. At first we began to walk away, but then we noticed he seemed to be hurt. Being the kind-hearted girls, Tiff and Rachel tried to see if he was okay, but in my head it didn't make sense that he was hurt, but he seemed genuine. All of a sudden about five or six kids were swarming around us and one was accusing us of hurting him. I looked at him again and saw that he was smiling and then the kids thrust there hands into Tiff's pockets and grabbed at Rachel's and Tiff's purses. One kids found a hair rubberband in Tiff's pocket and when Tiff saw she triumphantly pointed and laughed at the kid. We began to walk away because we got the kids off of Tiff when we heard Rachel cry, "They are holding onto my purse!" We turned back and Tiff gave an angry "YO!" (No!) at them and they let go. Afterwards we realized they were "gypsy" kids, they are darker than Albanian children and usually have someone who makes them sell things or pickpocket. It's really sad to see all these kids running around doing this stuff just to survive.

That night we met with some of the women from church for coffee while the men went to a men's retreat in Durres. During that time, the women asked us about our testimonies. It is so cool to me how that is one of the first things that ask about. It reminds me that I need to work more on my spiritual relationships with people. We went back to where Tiff was staying that night and cooked a pasta dinner for our Albanian girlfriends, it was fun :)

I think Saturday has been my favorite day so far. A group of girls went to the park to have a picnic, play volleyball and encourage each other in Christ. While we waited for the rest of our group, Alketa, Arsi, her wonderful sister Ana, Irena, and I hit a volleyball around. When the rest of our group came, we sat on blankets and Alketa played guitar and we sang some worship songs in Albanian and English. It was so moving to worship God so purely together. Then we talked for a long time about the Lord and mission work and testimonies. It was so good.

That night was the movie. At the table Rachel and I sat at there were five middle school girls who wanted to practice some English. Anila and Elga got their phone numbers and we are meeting on Saturday with them. Really pray for opportunities to share the gospel. I hope they are open.

Sunday was a more relaxed day and after church we visited some families. Monday was great, we went to Mount Daijti by a cable car, which freaked Tiff out :P and went to a gorgeous restaurant with Lanti and Freddi. The view was amazing and a great reminder of how incredible the God we serve is.

After the team left yesterday, I spent the day with Ana. I think this girl is incredible. I feel like I have found a close friend in her and have been able to open up much to her along with Alketa and Arsi. I love how hungry and passionate for the Lord these girls are and how they set an example for me to follow. I am very much encouraged by the testimony of the Christians here in Albania, and how devoted they are to Christ and to the Body.

Plans are beginning to unfold with how I will be of use to the church here, beginning with tonight when I get to see the kids' classes for the first time. Pray for openness and insight for me as I begin to observe and help in the classes. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
Psalm 34:8

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